Blogger Initiative

As many of you know, I was at the LGBT Bloggers’ Initiative this past weekend, feeling simultaneously like the new kid on the block and the old whore. Many of my fellow bloggers – I realized during a presentation on media access by Cathy Renna – are bloggers, only. It never occurred to me that being a blogger who was a published book author first was weird, but there I was.

Nevermind that for now. I met a smattering of lovely people who are active in the LGBT blogosphere, some of whom I knew before and some who I didn’t: Dana of Mombian, a whole bunch of the folks at Bilerico, including Bil, Serena, Irene, and Alex; some of the Pam’s House Blend crew, including Pam herself and Autumn Sandeen. Among other I ran into were Allyson Robinson at the HRC cocktail party on Friday night, Mara Keisling of NCTE on Saturday afternoon (at the infamous Mayflower Hotel), as well as Tahlib Disney-Britton of Freedom to Marry, James from,  and Tobias Packer of Equality Florida.

A more complete blogroll looks like this:

Really it was a stunning number of people who have a lot to say on various topics, but especially on LGBT politics & culture. Do go check them out – there’s a lot of people doing very interesting things.

But mostly I wanted to thank my lovely partner Betty, who couldn’t attend because she was in CO, but without whose help I never would have been there. She was the one who encouraged me to blog way back when, and who encouraged me to blog daily a while after that, & who continues to be my loving tech support.