Good Riddance, 2007 – #1

Betty and I have been joking for a few months now that our whole goal is to make it through 2007 in one piece. It’s just been that kind of year, where so much of what could go wrong didn’t exactly go wrong, but didn’t exactly go right, either. It was the kind of year where if we had a party we were really looking forward to on a Saturday night, that Saturday our hot water wasn’t working so we couldn’t shower before the party, & so, didn’t go. It was the kind of year where my father – after months of deliberations by various specialists – finally had a defribulator put in his chest, only to have that very same defribulator recalled – exactly six days after his surgery.

So goodbye, and good riddance, 2007! In order to look back at the year, I’ll be posting the Best & Worst (as well as Most Surprising, Most Unexpected, etc.) of what the year had to offer, starting with:

2007 – Gayest Theatrical Moment:

Rufus Wainwright performing Judy Garland’s Carnegie Hall concert in its entirety, and with remarkable faithfulness to the original. Though he did mention that the “clang clang clang” bit was, all by itself, the gayest live concert moment of the year.

Tune in for more, and feel free to add some of your own.