What a fracas: NOW-NY issued a press release yesterday roasting Ted Kennedy for endorsing Obama, and did so with some of the most extravagant language I’ve read in a while. “Betrayal” seems a little much, but “ultimate betrayal”? Yikes.
But NOW National has stepped in like a calm, protective aunt whose niece has just thrown a shit-fit.
This whole “you’re not a good feminist unless you vote for the woman” stuff is just so tired – as if most women need one more voice in the world telling them how to be good feminists (or good women, for that matter). The other assumption – that men aren’t feminists, and therefore need not be loyal to a feminist candidate – also tires me.
It tires me too. I would LOVE to have a woman president, but not just the first woman who comes along, JEEZ. As if.
You know that Rush Limbaugh is going to have a field day with this, right?
What tires me is that separatist, all-men-are-pigs, all-women-are-saints, feminists.
What tires me…that they reinforce the negative sterotypes of feminists. And they’re just tiresome, period, end of story.
just for clarification’s sake, it’s NOW-NY, as in the state org, not NOW-NYC.
Understood. Thx. Stay warm, Helen.
BTW, I’m re-reading SNTMIM.
Kimberlw Williams Crenshaw and Eve Ensler have weighed in on this:
(via aufheben.org)
They want me to read their criticism about hyperbolic feminist rhetoric & start with a reference to the WTC? puh-leeze.