Dixville Notch, NH just voted: Obama for 15, McCain 6. It’s the first time they’ve voted for the Democratic nominee for president since 1968.
Hart’s Location, NH, voted too: 17 for Obama, 10 for McCain, and 2 write-in votes for Ron Paul.
& So it begins, with Obama getting 2x the votes McCain is getting. Let’s hope that trend keeps on for the rest of us.
I am nearly in physical pain this year about this election.
I feel the same pain; there’s so much riding on this. I feel like we either have a chance of evolving into a vital world culture or continuing our slide into becoming the trailer trash of the planet…
And then there’s prop 8 out here; it’s too damn close to call
I don’t know why I feel so desparate for an Obama win, too. It’s not just that I want him to win, but I don’t think I could deal with four more years of GOP hijinks. It’s not the trans issues for me (although that helps), it’s just how the America that I grew up believing in has been turned into such a mockery in the world by a president who really doesn’t understand how to properly use the power he has. I used to like McCain but watching him sell his sole to the Rovian devil just made me sick, and picking Palin sealed the deal for me.
Ditto what Tina said. Took the words right offa my keyboard.
Helen, sounds like you could use some sedatives too!