Sit-in Stand-up Guy

Is this beautiful or what?

At a news conference Sunday, President-elect Barack Obama said the company should follow through on its commitments to its workers, The Associated Press reported.

The NYT article is here, about a sit-in by factory workers at an auto industry-related factory in Chicago, but do you really need to know more? WE HAVE A PRO LABOR PRESIDENT!

(h/t to Betty)

5 Replies to “Sit-in Stand-up Guy”

  1. FINALLY!!!!! Geezuz…amazing; He’s NOT Clinton!!!And, he’s the only possible antidote for the Fuckwad-in-Chief.
    Thanks for posting you guys…

  2. I agree that what he said yesterday was a good thing.

    I think the Presidend-Elect is not anti-labor. This is more of a legal thing than being pro-labor.

    According to the law the company had to give these employees notice that they didn’t give. As long as they stay orderly they can’t really be asked to leave since they are asking for their money it’s not really a trespassing thing.

    Again though I agree it was a good thing and I’m happy he spoke up.

  3. The infuriating thing about the situation in Chicago is that Bank of America is the creditor that cancelled Republic Windows & Doors Company’s operating line of credit. You know, the BofA that was the recipient of billions in the Great Treasury Giveaway? The giveaway that was supposed to free up lending for small businesses again? And what did BofA do with all that free cash? Well, they’ve been on this buying spree lately, gobbing up competitors that are in worse shape and received less bailout money…This is what happens when Paulson decided to follow his original 3-page plan after all and gives away our tax money without restriction or condition. Strangely, Congress remains mute. Guess which industries Congresspeople are more directly & personally invested in, banking and finance or manufacturing?

    Here’s another hint: The Fed is a not for profit entity considered “independent” of the US Government…and the Regionals just happen to be run by the major shareholders & board members of the major banks, which in turn are the primary stockholders of the Fed itself. Getting dizzy yet?

    We are so screwed.

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