This may seem silly, but I’m stupidly pleased because I got a package today from the Grand Hyatt, where I stayed in DC for the Blogger Conference – pleased because they sent me my (only) Ben Sherman shirt and a good jacket that I’d left behind in the closet.
I have never had a hotel locate something I left behind and send it to me before, and never imagined they’d get it to me that quickly.
I’m very, very impressed. (They were also great about answering questions, giving directions, & calling cabs.)
Hotels are starved for customers, especially the ones who normally rely on business travelers. They’ll go to great lengths to keep what customers they do have happy. I had several small, annoying problems with my stay over Thanksgiving, and after I gave them an earful via the online survey they e-mailed me afterwards they called me up, apologized profusely and refunded 50% of my bill.
I did write & tell them I was pleased, at least. I assume people are under a lot of pressure to keep their jobs, so saying something nice about the people who did theirs, in this case, seemed like the right thing to do.
Of course writing this post caused me to waste 45 minutes looking at the Ben Sherman site.