They managed to arrest that racist, violent motherfucker without killing him but a dude who sold loose cigarettes & a child who was playing with a toy gun had to be killed.
Nine people were killed while in a church and while praying. A five year old knew to play dead in order to save her own life.
But yeah, it’s not racism.
Take the fucking confederate flag down already. It’s not a symbol of history or pride or Southern culture; it’s a banner of hate and violence.
Love to the families and friends and lovers of those who were killed in Charleston and to the black communities of Charleston.
My prayers go out to the victims of the massacre. Mr. Roof is a victim of the racist white supremacist poison he believed. Really sad.
Mr. Roof is not a victim.
A victim has no choice, Mr. Roof had a choice.
He chose to be a racist. He chose to go into the church. He chose to pull the trigger. The victims did not choose to be shot.
You’re right in that it is really sad.