Writer's Cat

Well, it’s official. Once a cat sleeps on a manuscript, it’s all over. She’s now my cat. Or I’m her writer.
writers cat

What is She Doing?!

the boys
I often think the boys think of Aurora as “the orange thing.” Because they know we’re cats, & they’re cats, but she’s just not like any of us. This is them watching her do something odd.

Endymion, Parsing His List of Resolutions

So what are yours?!

    Sign new book contract.
    Lose 25 lbs.
    Be cool & groovy.
    Learn to talk about things other than gender.
    Have more sex.
    Worry about money less. Or make more. Whichever comes first.
    Workout 3x/week.
    Stuff like that. But mostly:
    Write a really great book.

While We're at DO…

… we thought Aurora should keep you company. She’s sitting here with two favorite toys: 1) the self-made ball o’foil on a string, and 2) my bullwhip. No-one should be surprised that the bullwhip is her favorite toy, since we found her at DO, after all.
kitty toys

(The bullwhip, btw, was not given to me for any reasons you’d imagine. In fact it was given to me by a friend who went to Turkey, and who thought of me when she saw it – because I am a huge
Raiders of the Lost Ark fan. Perverts.)