A (Cat) Tree Grows in (a) Brooklyn (Apartment)

cat tree
When we first brought this coat rack home, the boys were very young, but we knew from three minutes in that Aeneas was certain this was his tree, and his alone. He does let us use it to put coats & hats on, however. Nice of him, isn’t it?

Aurora, Wet

wet aurora
No, not more cat torture: she likes to drink out of the dripping tap. Despite the mess. She still looks sad, though. Every day she cries to be let out, and pretty much breaks my heart.


Endymion is the great moderator between these Aeneas and Aurora, who tend to greet each other with swats otherwise.
eating action shot3
Nobody, but nobody, gets between Endymion and his food.

Happy Thanksgiving

Endymion is never, ever full, and he’s never met anything edible he wouldn’t eat (including some things he shouldn’t have).
eating action shot2
So eat up, folks – and have a very very happy Thanksgiving.


She certainly does get her share, and then some. I’m hoping she doesn’t think she has to get to the size of the boys before she stops.
aurora eating

Aurora, Feeling Better

Here she is, the kitty we rescued from the DO campgrounds, splayed out on Betty’s chair:
aurora better
She’s put on nearly 2 lbs. since we rescued her, and is at her ideal weight now.