The Great Wind Chime Incident

Our Endymion has a thing for paper bags with those twisty paper handles. He invariably needs to know what’s in the bag and gets his big head & body wrapped up in the handles, leading to him panicking and running with the terrifying bag after him. One year, right after Christmas, the bag he’d stuck his head into had both glass bowl candle holders and wind chimes, which lead to the The Great Wind Chime Incident (about which we do not speak in front of Endymion).

That incident taught him to hate chimes forever, but he apparently learned nothing about sticking his head into paper bags with those twisty handles.

Room With a View

That’s the Big Guns, Endymion, looking out a hotel window in Kenosha on our way to Appleton last year.

Aeneas Keaton

He’s got a Buster Keaton thing going on, doesn’t he? I think so, but then I’m a big fan of Buster and of Aeneas. He is not so slothful that all he does is rest himself on the slope – he does, also, sharpen his claws on it.

Not Important Data

Found here. This makes me laugh really hard because Betty is extraordinarily funny when talking about the cats’ preferences for where & when they like to sit on her. In her spluttery Lewis Black kind of way. & Maybe because of the priorities of whoever created it.


Jude suggested an LOL Cat treatment of the photo below? Any takers? You don’t have to do the graphics – just provide the text.


When you come home & you get to see this first thing, life just seems a little less sucky.

Big Guns

Sleeping the sleep of the just, Endymion is the cat we call Big Guns. Look at those big legs. (For those of you who don’t know, “guns” is slang for “muscles.”)


Endymion tends to have one eye that doesn’t open for a few minutes after he wakes up from a nap. It’s been that way since he was a kitten, but I’ve never managed to get a photo of it before.