Cat of Drawers

I’d taken out a drawer to rearrange its contents, and heard a yowl when I went to put it back in.

Brawny Boy

He’s always been Betty’s boy, but sometimes he tolerates me. Just look at that big arm! Fearsome beastie.


Endymion with a catnip cigar he got for Christmas. I had a lot of scratches on my hands by the time he was through.

Aurora Drawerealis

Soon, I’ll see her soon. In the meantime she’s living in a chest of drawers. Not really. She just likes some peace, sometimes.

Aurora the Explorer

I miss her so much, so I had Betty send me a photo. She is of course making sure my pillow is full of her fur for my return.

& Before you assume otherwise, that’s just a sinus mask hanging on the back of the bed, nothing kinkier.

Winter Sleep

To round out the year, our big Endymion sleeping contentedly on one of my favorite sweaters. Endymion has long been a fool for sweaters; one of Betty’s can’t be worn anymore because Endymion made it his bed for so long, and stretched out parts of it with his kneading.