Not Now

The stack of envelopes under her are invoices I’m supposed to be filing for one of my clients. I got all set up & ready to work & she came up & promptly fell asleep on them. Sometimes cats tell you when it’s not an auspicious time to get any work done.

My Old Man

Aeneas has never acted his age.

Even when he was a kitten, instead of leaping off the bed, he would gingerly step on the bedframe in order to go from bed to floor. Now, however, he’s starting to look like an old man.

<< My crown prince, eyes wide shut.

Aurora Boardealis

Aurora is not very interested in the mHB boards, though she does allow me to view them while she’s sleeping on my desk. Sometimes. Unless I’m typing or moving the mouse, for which I get swatted. Or she starts in with what I call The Tail of Annoyance and flicks items on my desk to the floor.

& A very happy birthday to Ian (& his mom) today!

Gentle Giant

Sometimes when Endymion lays around like this, you can see the seam where they stuffed him full of stuffing.

Of course he became real a long time ago, since everyone who meets him falls in love with him. He’s kind of a gentle giant, sweet-natured, and kinda huge.

Kitty Contempt

Aurora, looking like her usual contemptuous self. I’m not sure how she manages to communicate so much disapproval with just one little glance.

Either way, we’re back from Colorado and had a great time on both campuses. More when I get over the return flight.

Creature Comfort

I bought a special pillow when I was having that trouble with my back/neck/shoulder last year that I ended up not liking, but Aurora loves it. It’s got a nice little groove she fits in, and these days we rarely see her anywhere else but asleep on it, or next to it on the couch with just her head on it, and in various other cat-comfortable positions we humans just wouldn’t understand.

Aurora the Inconsiderate

The funniest thing about Aurora is that she gets on your desk, as if to hang out with you, but then if you do anything – type, use your mouse, pet her – she attacks your hand.



Cranky Cat

Aeneas, still on his diet, still sitting next to my chair grumpy about not being fed. They are losing weight, though: so far they’ve lost about a pound each.

Recently too we heard a huge, raging cat fight out the window, & the boys – who haven’t lived outside since they were kittens, & before we got them – rushed to the window to see what was going on. Aurora, on the other hand, curled up on her pillow & slept, figuring that what you want to do is stay the hell out of it when other cats are fighting.