Day 3

I’m still at the Blogger Initiative in DC & having a pretty cool time of it; yesterday I had lunch with the Victory Fund at the Mayflower Hotel & heard Barney Frank speak (more on that later) & ran into Mara Keisling, Maggie Stump and Dana Beyer. I’ve noticed I always feel at home amongst the tall ladies, and that moment was a refreshing break from being a kind of confusing non-trans blogger from the trans community (more on that later too). I moderated a panel on diversity yesterday, which went really well thanks to my excellent panelists.A working shop with Cathy Renna about media access & savvy just ended, and it’s time to go eat lunch with my fellow bloggers, none of whom are in pajamas.

Mostly right now I’m missing Betty, who got home from CO last night and who is in our apartment with the kittoi, and whom I can’t wait to be with, too.

Day 2

It only seems right that I should blog from the LGBT bloggers’ initiative, even though the schedule leaves precious little time.

Last night was the introductory mixer at the HRC offices – which are very fancy & chic, in case you haven’t seen them, I know I wasn’t the only one who thought “so that’s where the money goes” – and I got to meet a few staffers, as well as Allyson Robinson, the new(ish) trans outreach coordinator for HRC. I also met my roommate (more about her lovely self at another time) and the organizer of the initiative, as well as James from, who was very very cold (since he’s from FL), Alex Blaze of Bilerico.

& I met Pam Spaulding briefly when I hung up her jacket for her. (It’s a glamorous life.) So far it’s been fun, but wow do the days start early! It’s downright unnatural to be up this time of day.


I’m off to the LGBT Blogger Initiative Conference in Washington DC for the weekend. Hoping to meet lots of cool folks and learn a whole bunch of new things. I’ll try to post from there but the schedule (& my very iffy laptop) may not allow me to; there will be a ton of workshops and panels and roundtables and suchlike.

I’ll be back late late late on Sunday, and Betty will have beaten me home from where she is in CO.


I reported for Jury Duty yesterday on a fine cold & rainy Brooklyn morning. Their timing couldn’t be worse, though I’m hoping I can get a postponement for next July if I go in person.

It would be much easier for a self-employed type like me to be able to schedule Jury Duty, but of course that’s not the way it works. Still, I usually go for a few days & don’t get chosen, & then I get my “free for four years” letter and am on my way. In fact yesterday I didn’t get chosen and am now free for 8 years! I don’t know when they increased it, but they did, & I’m pleased, since i have a lot to get done this week.

Still, I scanned my laptop for a virus I think I got on Sunday, & otherwise read more things about gender, The Well of Loneliness, and embodiment.

Sunday Night Shimmy

An old friend of mine is in town, and she was asked to guest drum at a bellydance performance tonight. As I’ve rarely gotten to see her drum, I went, & dragged my sister with me. (Betty, sadly, is not very mobile). I’ve seen bellydance performed before, but tonight, on top of my usual introverted discomfort, I kept thinking about how I was supposed to be in that room.

The dancers were all lovely. The first act, Sri Devi, was (I’m guessing) still pretty young to dancing, but she was fabulously talented and funny and fun in her performance. She seems like the type of performer who has a real star in her.

The final performance, by Hannah Nour, was really a hit out of the park. She had what I call “sea legs” for a performer – the way sailors are more comfortable on a boat than on land, some people are more comfortable performing than not. (Betty was that kind of actor.) She showed no self-concsiousness, seemed like she was really engaged and enjoying herself, and was technically stellar. And her clothes! Like a Hindu Love Goddess, all light blues and greens and whites and pinks – like a female version of the traditional representation of Rama.

Because on one level bellydance is a seductive art, sexual, exhibitionist, and yet it’s also social. It’s not burlesque. And I couldn’t figure out how to watch, at all. Most of the guys sit there just kind of ga-ga (in a more or less sexualized gaze) and a lot of the women were other dancers who were there to cheer on their friends or learn or just to appreciate the art.

But I was just there, looking like a dyke in the corner, and now that I’m aware people see me as a lesbian, it’s all I think about. I suppose if I actually desired women, I’d sit there like most of the guys, enjoying the sensuality & beauty of the ladies dancing without feeling weird about it. But because my desire, per se, is not engaged, I just sit there wondering how to watch, because it’s still titillating – dance is innately seductive, no?. I find myself tied up in knots, and kind of uncomfortable despite the performers being very comfortable with themselves and the dance form.

(I know, I know; I’m self-conscious & I think too much. Tell me something I don’t know.)

But despite my own silliness, DO GO see bellydance if you can! It’s a cool art form. The night I saw tonight happens every Sunday (thought with different performers, I think).

Mountain Mama

I’m back from West Virginia and exhausted, but the event went really well & I really enjoyed meeting the students and other panelists (hi, if any of you are reading!).

If anyone sent me an email that you’re awaiting a reply to, just know that my email access was spotty while I was traveling, & I’m currently a little swamped, but I’ll get in touch with you as soon as I can.

New Column

Well go figure, but I’m writing a new relationships advice column at called Ask Big Sister. & No, I’m not actually a big sister – youngest of 6 – but I always wanted to be! This is an introductory piece, of course, so the readers there get to know who I am and what my gig is.

Since readers over there can ask me questions, of course you can too! I’d love to hear any you’ve got, especially the ones you’d like to see addressed in a column.


I’ll be speaking at the University of West Virginia’s Morgantown campus on Thursday, October 16th, at 8PM.

Place: Greenbrier Room in the Mountainlair at West Virginia University
When: 8 pm 16 Oct
Open to everyone – the more the merrier!
Sponsor: Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Mountaineers (BiGLTM)

Off to DO

Here we are again, off to DO, and I probably won’t be blogging or checking the boards (much) while we’re gone. The internet is always a little iffy from camp, and really, honestly – a little too cyber when there are people having sex near you on lounge chairs.

We’ll be back Monday-ish.