What a cool new clip. Check it out. Spread the word. And tell everyone about Trans United for Obama, too. There’s another national call coming up on 10/19, so sign up for it now.
Happy Coming Out Day!
So it’s already National Coming Out Day again, and this year I’ve been thinking that it’s unfair that only queers come out every year.
As many of you might realize, I try to think about something new I can come out about – own up to, admit in public, or to a few people close to me – every year. I don’t have a whole lot left, or at least I don’t at this point in my life. But there are two things in my life that have made me feel deeply dishonest over the past year or so. I’m not coming out here about them. But I will, I have decided, own both of them, and tell them to at least a few people who don’t know what they are yet.
And I will think a lot about what it has meant to be dishonest with most of the world about these things.
As with many queer people’s lives, sometimes there are really good reasons not to come out. Some days I think it’s miraculous that there are out LGBTQ people. But culturally we have put the burden on queer folks to do so, and the same kind of thoughtful process seems like it could be a valuable one to everyone.
I don’t mean, either, this bullshit about “coming out as a chocoholic”. I mean own something deeper, something that bothers you, something you lie to your relatives and loved ones about. But more importantly, it should be something you’ve been lying to yourself about. Because really, ultimately, that’s what coming out of the closet is for queer folks – it is not always “i’m here and queer and get used to it” but “i’m here and queer and i think i can live with that about myself”.
Maybe by next year I’ll tell you what my two things were. By next year, who knows? Maybe I’ll have written a book about them.
Finally: be gentle with yourself around anything like this you might confront. Dragons are dragons, and even when you acknowledge them, and know they’re there in the road, they still breathe fire.
Happy Coming Out Day.
The Task Force is Hiring
A search has just been launched to fill two key permanent full time positions here at the Task Force: HR Director & Board Liaison. Will you please forward this link and the attached job descriptions to people you know over the next 3 days? It sounds like applications will begin being reviewed next week. http://www.thetaskforce.org/about_us/employment
The Task Force is an equal opportunity employer. Women, transgender people, and people of color are especially encouraged to apply. The Trans Audit Committee, which I’m a part of, would love to see a pool of gender non-conforming and transgender candidates applying for these jobs. For your information, in addition to our general benefits package for full time employees, The Task Force also offers a health supplement for gender identity-related care.
The functions of these positions are very important to executing the mission of the Task Force. We will be working expeditiously to fill them. Here is a little more about each job:
Human Resources Director –
The Human Resources Director is responsible for all aspects of human resources, including the Task Force’s programs for recruiting, orientation, workplace training, and staff performance evaluation.
Executive office Board Liaison –
The Executive Office Board Liaison serves as the primary staff support to the boards of directors of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Foundation and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Fund. Continue reading “The Task Force is Hiring”
GLBT Partnership: Appleton, WI
We recently went to the 15th anniversary celebration of the local GLBT Partnership here in Appleton. It’s an amazing thing, really: a small group of people decided to create a safe space for LGBTQ teenagers here in the Fox Valley in 1997 because there were no existing support groups or safe gathering places for them.
They still struggle for funding, so if you want to help out queer youth who actually need the help – and are living in a place that isn’t very queer friendly – this is a great way to do it. You have to go to this PayPal account – under SKenevan’s name – and in the memo line indicate that it’s for the GLBT Partnership. Honestly: this group is tiny and very, very necessary. (Feel free to tell them I sent you if you do donate!)
One of the group’s founding members, Shannon Kenevan, who was honored at the celebration, wrote this piece about the group:
The Fox Valley GLBT Partnership is turning 15 years old this fall. For those of you under age 30, you probably don’t remember a time in your life that the Partnership did not exist. It’s always been there to offer weekly support and leadership development to youth ages 14-18 who identify as LGBTQ, as well awareness and educational programs for the rest of our community. Those over age 30 may remember back to their teenage years when there were no groups like the Partnership. Continue reading “GLBT Partnership: Appleton, WI”
Gaga Feminism Blog Tour
J. Jack Halberstam’s new book, Gaga Feminism, is out, and it is a fascinating read; I highly recommend it. For those of you who are turned off my academic writing but like gender theory, give this a try. It’s funny, first of all, but it’s also the kind of book that leads you to think in new ways and to ask new questions. I had a revelatory moment thinking about the inter-generational quality of queer culture, and honestly, that’s only mentioned in passing. This one sends off really useful sparks.
I asked the author to comment the intersection of basic legislative issues that have been in the news – saying “vagina” in the state house, “legitimate rape”, issues of choice/abortion, etc., in the context of gaga feminism, and here is Halberstam’s response:
When did “vagina” suddenly become a fashionable term? First Lisa Brown, a state representative for Michigan, shocked her Republican colleagues when she used the word “vagina” to try to debate anti-choice legislation in her county. When Brown and another colleague were silenced for supposedly turning a polite conversation into one lacking in decorum, Eve Ensler pulled into town to save the town with another long speech on vaginas – The Vagina Monologues!! Meanwhile, Republicans got into their own hot water while debating vaginas – Republican Rep. Todd Akin called upon an apparently vast and deep reservoir of knowledge about the female body and its reproductive potential when, in defense of his indefensible position that rape victims should not have access to abortion, he suggested that in a “legitimate” rape, the female body would mysteriously reject the offensive sperm and protect itself from pregnancy. And then of course, feminist writer Naomi Wolf put out her own take on the suddenly hot topic and provided us with a “biography” of the vagina.
Wow! How to make sense of all these vaginas, some of them with brains (Wolf), some of them with primal prophylactic powers (Akin), some of them with so much to say (Ensler). In my new book, Gaga Feminism: Sex, Gender and the End of Normal, I do not use the word vagina at all! Instead of pitting bodies with vaginas against bodies with penises, I argue that we are living in a new world where the categories of male and female are rapidly being updated all around us. In this world of sperm banks, IVF, queer families, butch daddies, transgender men and women, heteroflexible women, pretending to be offended by the use of the word “vagina” in a public speech or making insupportable claims about rape and pregnancy are not just quaint and old-fashioned, they signal a deep ignorance about the world we live in and the enormous changes that have taken place within it in the last two decades. So rather than making the vagina talk back to the idiocy of Christian or Republican hypocrisy by giving it a biography or a monologue, it is time to move on from simple, genital genders and start actually engaging the many forms of gendered embodiment that are moving us out of the age of normativity and into a new era of going gaga!
The next stop on the tour is at Queer Fat Femme, who is generally and specifically amazing, so do go check that out.
Last Night
Last night, the DNC made history by adopting a pro-marriage equality platform.
I was flabbergasted and very, very pleased.
It wasn’t necessarily the best decision politically, but it was the right – and historic – choice.
So let’s make sure they weren’t wrong and get Obama re-elected, okay?
CA Leads, Again
California’s Assembly voted Thursday to approve a bill that would prevent people from practicing “ex gay” therapy on minors.
About damn time. & Way to go, California.
Queer Derby: Vagine Regime
Always forward, never straight – how it is in roller derby.
Erica Tremblay is making a documentary about the queer subculture within roller derby, and she needs funds.
Love Not Violence
Well, this time it looks like (as in, it is alleged) someone who’s pissed off about Chick-Fil-A and the Family Research Council. Many, MANY, LGBTQ organizations have already condemned the man’s actions.
Don’t do it for me, asshole.
Love to the guard and the family of the guard, and yes, even for the folks whose politics at Family Research Council keep me a second class citizen, no matter what the motivation of the shooter was.
This Scissor Sisters video is making the rounds & I’m amused as now Urban Dictionary is filled with people defining kiki as a small private party in someone’s apartment, & that is definitely not the way it’s been used (historically) in queer communities.
“Kiki” was used to describe lesbians who were not butch or femme when butch-femme was expected, back in the 50s, and it was also used to describe someone who had been “flipped” – that is, a butch who made another butch her femme, sexually speaking, and it was the “flipped” butch who was referred to as a kiki. So the shorthand often just meant someone who didn’t accept a distinct sexual role, or who played both sides; in lesbian communities of color, it’s often referred to women who might just be described as bi. It wasn’t a compliment or even neutral but was (at the very least) a snide label that commented on someone else’s “confusion” or “indecision”.
(& Much thanks to Jacob & Drew for the heads up.)
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