The Fair Wisconsin Education Fund is hosting its first ever Leadership Conference, to take place in Milwaukee from January 13th – 15th. Why go to a Leadership Conference?
1. Meet other LGBT and allied leaders from around the state. The Leadership Conference will be a wonderful opportunity to connect with LGBT and allied people working to advance equality in their local communities. Share your experiences and gain support from people just like you who care about building a fair and just Wisconsin.
2. Learn new information and skills from local and national leaders. The Leadership Conference will offer an array of interesting and useful workshops to broaden your knowledge and help you to acquire new skills and tools to become a leader in the LGBT equality movement in Wisconsin.
3. Be a part of something new. This conference is a new opportunity that we have never seen before. Don’t miss out on being the first to participate in what is poised to be a hugely successful program!
4. Strengthen the movement. The Leadership Conference is a prime opportunity to build a strong base of support for the LGBT movement in Wisconsin. Join us as we build a fair Wisconsin together.
5. Celebrate and have fun! No conference is complete without some fun and celebration! Work hard and play hard at the first ever Fair Wisconsin Education Fund Leadership Conference!
Student registration is only $35! I’ll be there, and Chaz Bono is doing the keynote speech.
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