Same Sex Abby

Congrats to Dear Abby for this clever answer:

DEAR ABBY: I am a young woman in my 20s who, while very friendly, is funny about being touched. I am extremely uncomfortable when people outside my immediate family hug me, rub my shoulders or place a hand on my back or arm. Yet somehow, people tend to do this with me.

How can I express my discomfort without sounding antisocial or mean? I’d appreciate your advice. — TOUCHY SUBJECT

DEAR TOUCHY SUBJECT: Do it with humor. Say, “If you do that again, you’ll have to marry me!” It should work with members of both sexes, depending upon the state you live in.

Subtly cool. Go (daughter of) Abby!

Kalamazoo: Get Involved

Kalamazoo, Michigan is trying to add LGBT people to the existing non-discrimination law in Kalamazoo. It seems like a no-brainer, considering 20 other Michigan cities already have a similar law. But – this won’t be a big surprise to my trans readers – the big scary bathroom threat is being used to quash the legislation.

In addition, this campaign used photos of actual trans women – and ones that you have probably heard of because they’ve been in the news for other reasons – to scare the public on transgender issues. Nasty tactics, but we’ve seen them before.

on their website:

ENDA Hearing

Support the ENDA Congressional Hearing on Weds, Sept 23, 2009.

Join the “Hearing on Inclusive ENDA” Facebook group, and get info on how to contact the committee members in and near your state.

Go to for more information.

We are rapidly moving towards a vote. Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their party.

Jillian T. Weiss
Co-Chair, Inclusive ENDA

More ENDA links:

US Reps ENDA Spreadsheet:
US Senate ENDA Spreadsheet:

Unconfirmed US Reps contact info:
Unconfirmed US Senator contact info:

Jeez Louise This Whole Cisgender Thing

Since Alex Blaze took it on, & since we’ve been discussing this whole “is it okay to call someone who isn’t trans cisgender?” question on the boards, I may as well put it down here.

First, I’m going to claim a difference between cisgender & cissexual. Cisgender, the problem seems to me, is not the easy opposite of transgender. Cisgender implies, or means, or could mean (depending on who you talk to), that someone’s sex and gender are concordant. So your average butch woman, who is not trans, or is, depending on how she feels about it (see Bear Bergman), is now somehow cisgender. So is someone like me. So is a femme-y gay man who maybe performs a more gender normative masculinity for his job. That is, those of us who have variable genders, who maybe are gender fluid or gender neutral but who don’t identify as trans, are now somehow cisgender.

& Honestly, that’s bullshit. There’s a reason I use GVETGI to describe myself = Gender Variant Enough To Get It, is what it stands for.

So there’s the first issue, that “cis” may stand for “cisgender” and it may stand for “cissexual” but no one knows for sure which it is when it’s abbreviated. Crossdressers, for instance, are cissexual but they’re not cisgender. For instance.

Then there’s that little usage/connotation/denotation problem.

Telling me, & other partners whose lives are profoundly impacted by the legal rights / cultural perceptions of trans people, that we are “not trans” implies that we are also not part of the trans community. I’ve been saying for years now that we are. When trans people are killed, harassed, not hired, fired due to discrimination, denied health care, etc. etc. etc., their loved ones suffer along with them. Their families, their lovers, their kids especially. We are not just “allies.” We are vested, dammit, & a part of the trans community, so when “cisgender” comes to mean, or is used to mean, “not part of the trans community,” we are once again left out in the dark.

(Somehow, I can’t help thinking of the muggles & mudbloods of Harry Potter, here. Partners are the equivalent of the kids born to magical families who are not themselves magical. In the books & movies, they are part of the magical community, & without question. Ahem.) Continue reading “Jeez Louise This Whole Cisgender Thing”


NCTE held a conference call tonight about ENDA & they’ve put a recording of it online (.mp3). The deadline is rapidly approaching. They’ve got a bunch of resources up (.pdf), and on Facebook, Jillian Weiss is posting daily actions.

This is for all of us – LGBTQI & all our families & allies.

No one should lose or not get a job because of their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Make those calls, send letters, emails, and forward this info to your friends & families so they do the same.

“Corrective” Rape in South Africa

Talk about triggery, but this piece on “corrective rape” in South Africa is absofuckinglutely horrifying.

Corrective rape, for those who haven’t heard the term (it’s less than ten years old, since it was just recently coined by human rights activists) is the criminal phenomenon where LGBT people, especially lesbians, are raped by a member of the opposite sex as a means of trying to “correct” their sexual orientation. It’s a particularly vile practice, and while it’s not exclusive to South Africa, the country has become especially notorious for it. So notorious in fact, that the Triangle Project, a South African LGBT organization, is now saying that they deal with up to ten new cases of “corrective rape” each week.