Offensive: Mockumentary about Musical of Boys Don’t Cry

I know we’re going to get into a new round of conversation about art and humor and whatever the fuck else, but I’m horribly offended by the idea of a “mockumentary” about a supposed musical based on Brandon Teena’s death.

Just stop it already: leave trans people out of this bullshit.

It would have been just as possible to create a mockumentary about how stupid & shallow musical theater people can be without dragging that young man into it.

Ugh. Bad taste doesn’t even begin to describe my disgust.

And no, I don’t have to see the goddamn thing. I barely held back the contents of my stomach watching the short preview.

I did actually check to make sure this wasn’t published on April Fool’s Day, in some hope that it was a joke. It wasn’t, and it isn’t.

Filtered, No Doubt

It turns out that some high schools are filtering out sites like GLAAD’s, or the It Gets Better campaign. Honestly? It just pisses me off. God forbid we help save the lives of at-risk youth; somehow that’s perceived as advanding the so-called gay agenda.

If White Power youths were committing suicide at alarming rates, we would all want to see them stop. What is it about LGBT youth that people are so hateful about? Is it this proposed ‘gay agenda’? How is it that homosexuality has trumped even suicide as a sin against God?

They drive me nuts. At least the ACLU is on it. You can check your school’s filtering and report them if necessary.

Look Ma, It Can Talk!

As others on our mHB message boards have noticed, there is a certain tone of disbelief in stories about trans women who are attractive that is offensive, frustrating, and yet – and yet – progress.

In this story about a trans woman and trans man not being allowed entry into Egypt, it’s just a mention of her “outstanding beauty” – I’m sure she was – but once you’ve read enough news stories like this you just get a kind of creepy feeling. I have a friend who used to refer to it as the “look ma, it can talk!” tone (except he was taking about stories about African Americans).

& That’s aside from there being no explanation as to why, when everything they said was true, and their IDs checked out, they were still sent back to Jordan.

And because I have some very literal readers, I will add here that I find this practice of being amazed that a trans woman can be not only a woman but an attractive woman, appalling and offensive.

New Trans Art & Lit Magazine

Bodies of Work, a new Art and Literature Magazine is looking for submissions.

We, the editors, are three trans artists who believe art and literature are two of the most vital parts to our world today. At this moment, there is no magazine which brings all transgender, transsexual and gender variant writers and artists to the forefront. We believe it is time to publish such a magazine!

The purpose of Bodies of Work is to publish and promote literature and art that celebrates the diverse visions and understandings of the transsexual, transgender and gender-variant international community through language and image. We want to inspire and be inspired by the innovative output of our communities and come together with trans artists of all genres in creative discourse. We want to engage and support our creative processes and learn how trans artists and writers create.

Bodies of Work will:

* Introduce a wide audience to literature and art by the trans and gender-variant community.
* Provide a unique opportunity for underrepresented writers and artists viewpoints.
* Discover and publish emerging and developing writers and artists. Continue reading “New Trans Art & Lit Magazine”

The Beer Ad of Beer Ads

Even if this year’s Superbowl commercials suck, there’s always this incredibly offensive yet hilarious Guinness ad:

(If anyone knows where or when it was on TV, do let me know. Once again: a student sent me the link, & thanks to her for it.)

Happy Superbowl! Please don’t drink and drive.

Superbowl Ad: The Sauna

We’ve come a long way, baby. I am very very sure I’ve never been turned on by a Superbowl commercial before, but goddamn. And yet: it’s funny, too, and not homophobic, either. Well done.