
Henri Cartier-Bresson died in 2004, and for the first time since then, MoMA has launched a retrospective of his work. There are slide shows on both MoMA’s site & on CNN, where I found this info, via Fareed Zakaria (whose show I love, as it’s one of the only shows that is actually international in perspective, as opposed to being Here’s some stuff abotu some other countries, now back to the US, true center of the universe).

I’m sorely tempted to get to NYC before it ends in late June in order to see it. Here are a few of my favorites:

Trans Answers and Surveys in the NYT

Dr. Laura Erickson-Schroth recently answered a bunch of questions about transgender issues in The New York Times. It’s in three sections: one, two, and three. She’s working on a book called Trans Bodies, Trans Selves, and people like Jennifer Boylan and Jamison Green and Pat Califia (on sexuality!) have already signed on to write for it.

She is also currently conducting surveys, and yes, there’s one for partners:

I am pleased as punch to see that they’re going with a qualitative survey for partners’ issues. If you’re a partner, and especially if you’re the kind of partner who isn’t “typical” or in the majority most of the time (boyfriends/husbands of trans women, male partners of FTMs, women who intentionally sought out trans partners) make sure you fill it out.

There are other surveys for the book for trans people, of course, too, and one for parents, as well.

Protest & Rally Against TOTWK

Media Advocates Giving National Equality to Trans People (MAGNET)
Press Release: For immediate release April 4, 2010

Protest/rally Against Tribeca’s Decision to Premiere Transphobic Film “Ticked Off Trannies With Knives

What: A protest/rally demanding that Tribeca Film Festival remove the transphobic film “Ticked Off Trannies With Knives (TOTWK)”. Melissa Sklarz- Director of New York Trans Rights Organization, celebrities, elected officials & LGBT activists will be speaking. A candle light vigil for trans victims of hate crimes will also be held.

When/Where: Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 6:30-8:00pm @ Tribeca Cinemas @ 54 Varick Street, NYC

Why: The movie makes light of violence and rape against trans women, exploits the high-profile murder of teenager Angie Zapata, includes the pejorative term “trannies” in its title, inaccurately depicts trans women’s identities as drag queen “performers” and “caricatures” and misrepresents the lives of an extremely disenfranchised group who suffer violence at alarming rates.

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“While I was watching Alec Soth’s video, I realized he was a dick.”

With all the competition in journalism, you’d think the NYT could find a journalist who hasn’t been living under a rock, who’d maybe read something about trans people, and who, um, kept up to date on terminology.

Not even “used to be a man” but “was a man.”

I think the punchline is supposed to be along the lines of “even this nice Catholic girl with ashes on her forehead is really one them sinful transsexuals.” Wow. What a hipster this guy is. Some people really need to get out more, maybe look around, ask questions, and take a minute to actually learn something instead of coaxing beautiful women into a hotel room with the sleazy promise of taking their photograph for the NYT.