The Riches

The new Eddie Izzard show, “The Riches,” is about to start on F/X.

“A wild new playground for a TV drama,” says Newsweek.

& Apparently the son likes to wear dresses.

“Could be worse,” says the wife.
“He could be on crack,” says Izzard’s character.

But Eddie Izzard as a con man – somehow, it’s perfect. It gives him a chance to be the eight million people he can be – the kind of broodiness I’ve seen him do on Broadway, but then that big used-car salesman schmaltzy guy he does, too – which has nothing to do with him being a transvestite, & everything to do with him being a really good actor.

AMC Blogging

Scene One, 1:05PM
“You’re Zarf – everyone knows you!”
& That was that, the whole of Betty’s scripted lines.

Scene Two, 1:24PM
Now we know who everyone is. (Two scenes so far, but it’s only 1:24.)

Scene Three, 1:36PM
Wherein Jenny Boylan explains making lemonade out of lemons.

Scene Four, 1:45PM
Wherein Betty calls me an oddball, gives me props, and Jenny shows she really IS a hippie.

Scene Five, 1:53PM
Bianca checks out Andy, Tommy, and Betty as they depart; Zoe doesn’t feel alone.


As it turns out, today’s All My Children was really more a tease than anything else, so another 24 hours of waiting to see how it all got edited.

All My Children Cast Photo

top row, left to right: Brigitte, Jenny Boylan, Andy Marra, Eden “Bianca” Riegel, & Betty.

Bottom row, left to right: Tommy, Jeffrey “Zarf/Zoe” Carlson, June, & David Harrison.

& Here’s the GLAAD newsclip about it.

Betty on All My Children

Betty and six other trans people will be the support group that the MTF character Zarf/Zoe goes to visit on two upcoming episodes of All My Children: March 9th & 12th. The other six were Tommy, Brigit, June, Andy Marra of NCTE, David Harrison, & as the group’s moderator, Jennifer Finney Boylan.

But the interesting thing about the episode is that each of these people are only playing themselves; each of them gets to speak about their own lives & their experience being trans. As far as I know, this is not just trans history in the making, but soap opera history as well.

Do tune in.

No Love Lost

I’m really astonished at the remarks Tim Hardaway made, in public, as a public figure. I’m glad to hear he got canned from the All Star game as a result, but I’m just really surprised. I probably shouldn’t be: after all, it was the jocks who often made me nervous in high school because I was different. But I also knew a lot of jocks who were really cool guys & who used their status to stand up for people who were different.

But wow. Tim Hardaway is a bigot. For some reason, that’s always so much more disappointing when it comes from a woman or a person of color or whatever other form of minority. & Yet years ago, when I was working at City College, bell hooks told me she’d never teach a class about James Baldwin again because she was so horrified by the homophobia expressed by her (largely African-American) students. I hope she has, & does, anyway.

I hope someone sat him down to watch Brother Outsider by now, at least, and that John Amaechi sells a truckload of books and educates as many basketball fans as Hardaway represents.