Here’s the first half of our Dr. Keith appearance, and here’s the second half. Much thanks to Kiss of Athena, who has also put up the whole thing, in one piece, on Google Video.
Dr. Keith?
Well, what’d you think?
Dr. Keith
Well, tomorrow is finally the big day: our episode of the Dr. Keith show airs tomorrow, 2/22. You can find out when it’s on near you by checking the website.
(Thanks to Andee for the screenshot!)
Feels Like a Lifetime
Is it me, or is Lifetime just one never-ending after-school special?
Megan’s Hand
From the Media That Matters Film Fest, do check out #07, which won the LGBT award. Having been a canvasser, this short’s a little too real for me.
(Thanks to Tom for the link.)
Dr. Keith Update
I got the news today that the episode of the Dr. Keith Ablow show we taped back in December will air on Thursday, February 22nd. You can find when the show airs in your area by checking the Dr. Keith website.
What She Said
Props to All My Children for today’s show, when Bianca told Zarf that blackmarket hormones are not the way to transition. She tells Z. to find a discreet doctor instead, since she’s worried about the gossip rags.
I Always Liked Her, But Now…
… Tyra Banks is up there on my hero’s list. This whole recent brouhaha of her being told she’s fat and not hot anymore has blown my mind, but I’ve been chuffed at her responses.
“If I had a lower self-esteem, I would probably be starving myself right now. That’s exactly what is happening to other women all over this country,” the talk show host said. (You can watch what she said on her show’s website.)
She’s 5’10” and 161 lbs., which means she’s in the “normal” range for BMI. When she was doing the catwalk she was closer to 130 lbs., which is on the low end of the normal range. Tyra Banks is what a healthy, tall woman looks like, and if people think she’s fat, it’s only because our sense of what a normal healthy female body looks like is so fucked up. I really do believe that one of the reasons so many women are overweight in America (aside from all the driving and bad food) is that what’s considered attractive requires near-starvation. If we had healthier images of women’s bodies, that goal might seem a lot more attainable to people.
But the point is: I know I’d happily trade bodies with her, as would most women in America. As if most men would turn her down, too. Puh-leeze.
Betty told me the other day that I’m the TPM Cafe of the trans world. How sweet is that?
QueerCents Interview with Jamison Green
A while back, Nina Smith of QueerCents did an interview with me, and later asked me to introduce her to other trans folk who might be willing to talk about personal finance. She talked to Jamison Green, who of course managed to make an interview about personal finance a useful resource on transitioning costs and to articulate clearly the debate about what insurance should cover. I’m not sure how many times they’ll let me join his fan club, at this point, but count me in again.
For that matter, Nina Smith gets huge kudos for going out of her way to get trans issues into her forum.