And we, as a nation, should be ashamed of this barbarity we have the indecency to call justice.
Helen Boyd Kramer's journal on gender and stuff
politics, both trans & otherwise
And we, as a nation, should be ashamed of this barbarity we have the indecency to call justice.
The group calling for a Day of Action on October 22nd to Stop Trans Pathologization has a new document up on their site, a kind of “state of the union” combined with a call to action.
From Mara Keisling of NCTE on President Obama’s proposed jobs program:
“The President’s job proposals would be very positive for trans people and LGBT People more generally. Because we are disproportionately likely to be among the long-term unemployed, job credits for employers who hire long-term unemployed and prohibiting discrimination against long-term unemployed will be especially important” and she added, “Our community doesn’t talk enough about the long-term unemployed problem. Getting fired isn’t our biggest problem; getting fired and staying unemployed or underemployed is deadly.” – Mara Keisling
It looks like such a humdrum shot, doesn’t it? City Council votes are notoriously unexciting, even if and when the debate gets a little heated. That is, the votes go up on the screen, and no one hoots or hollers or storms out: they just move on to the next subject, like the width of roads or the proposal to add a bike lane.
Still, this shot is of the board that gave Appleton city employees domestic partner benefits for the very first time. A few elected officials spoke eloquently and bravely, and a few community members did too.
A huge congratulations to Appleton for leveling the playing field for employees who are in same sex relationships and registered as domestic partners with the state of Wisconsin.
If you haven’t read this column by a now former Republican, you should.
Colbert explains how Americans for Prosperity “helped” out with the recall elections by sending ballot applications to Democratic households.
The Colbert Report | Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Wisconsin’s Recall Election & Americans for Prosperity’s Absentee Ballot Typos | ||||
I would like one Repulican I know to explain how on earth this isn’t voter suppression.
We Are Wisconsin is the group working the recalls, and they had an office in LaCrosse, WI, burn to the ground this past week just as 800 volunteers had shown up to canvass the neighborhood for next week’s recall election.
The amazing thing is that they went out & canvassed anyway. Kind of mind-blowing. But they do need to replace the office & plenty of supplies they lost in the fire. I’m sure they had insurance, but that’s not often a speedy process, and the election is on 8/9, so help if you can.
Congratulations to Outagamie County, reportedly the first county in Wisconsin to adopt a resolution to opposing AB 173, the anti-immigration copy cat law.
A Madison resident recently took her son to the DMV to get him a Voter ID card; they’re required by law here now, despite arguments that they will cause way too much voter suppression. The people who wanted it – Republicans – tend to do better at the poll when the voters who are easiest to suppress – youth, the elderly, the homeless, etc. – so despite there being no evidence of voter fraud, WI now requires a Voter ID.
It’s not as if I have to tell any of you why the DMV is a problem, but when it comes to Voter ID cards, there will be new problems – like clerks told to make sure a bank statement has “enough” financial activity to count as proof of residency.
If you’ve got a video camera & can record any and all experiences getting your Voter ID, do. Undoing this law is going to take a lot of evidence that it is suppressing votes.