Now, NOW

What a fracas: NOW-NY issued a press release yesterday roasting Ted Kennedy for endorsing Obama, and did so with some of the most extravagant language I’ve read in a while. “Betrayal” seems a little much, but “ultimate betrayal”? Yikes.

But NOW National has stepped in like a calm, protective aunt whose niece has just thrown a shit-fit.

This whole “you’re not a good feminist unless you vote for the woman” stuff is just so tired – as if most women need one more voice in the world telling them how to be good feminists (or good women, for that matter). The other assumption – that men aren’t feminists, and therefore need not be loyal to a feminist candidate – also tires me.

He’s Going

Tonight is Dubya’s last State of the Union Address! How exciting is that?! It means the MF is NOT GOING TO BE PRESIDENT eventually, that the nightmare will end.

Blog for Choice Day

Blog for Choice Day

This year, the organizers of Blog for Choice have asked us all why we vote pro-Choice.

I grew up Catholic, as many know, & my first opinion on abortion – once I realized I should have one – was to be Pro Life. I was already against the death penalty, & in this instance, the Church’s rulings – against human beings messing with life & death – seemed consistent to me.

It was only later that I became a feminist and realized that pregnancy is often considered only a woman’s problem, that men are barely even expected to use birth control when they have sex, and that not only do we preach – as a culture – that women have to be sexy, but that it’s bad that they are. There’s a certain ‘head in the sand’ quality to the way we deal with these issues, and when, a few years ago, a pro life friend told me women should just keep their knees together – she wasn’t kidding, either – I’d had enough of the double standard.

So that’s why I vote pro-choice.

If people find others who are blogging for choice, do link to them here.


A Romney staffer on MSNBC said, just now, in one sentence, how we need a Republican president who isn’t establishment, who will get the 12 million illegal immigrants out of the country and cut taxes to make government smaller.

Astounding. Because I’m sure, when asked, those 12 million illegal immigrants will leave without any government personnel there to “encourage” them.

I wonder too how they’re going to keep the homosexuals from marrying and the women from having abortions if they shrink government so much.

Good Riddance, 2007 – #19

2007’s Most Misplaced and Illogical “Outrage”

American and media shock at the news that Chinese workers, who are getting paid 2 cents a day, are exporting sub-par products.