Happy 4th

Tea drinkers unite! You have nothing to lose but your taxes!

A very happy 4th, all. Please don’t drink and drive.

Crap Skin, Good Products

I’m not much of a product review type, but I’ve happened upon a couple of products that make me happy, so I thought I’d share.

First, there’s now generic Zyrtec available, and it’s called Cetirizine. Half the price. Works just as well.

Second is all about skin, especially for the summer, especially since I’ve always had crap skin, there’s Aveeno’s Clear Complexion products, namely the Foaming Cleanser and Daily Moisturizer. Believe me, I’ve had crap skin for forever and *nothing* works. I’ve been using these for a while and continue to be impressed with how well they work (when I remember to use them.) It IS expensive, but being one of the cheapest people alive, I still find they’re worth it.

In addition, Almay makes a pressed powder compact for oily skin that has 5% Salicylic Acid, too. I love it. I know all the pressed powders say they don’t clog pores, but I don’t believe them. Whenever I wear foundation, or powder, or some combination, I always break out a day or so after. I haven’t tried the liquid yet, because I just don’t wear foundation in the summer, but I’ll give it a go this fall.

Caveat Emptor

Having worked for NYPIRG long long ago, I’m pleased to see internet consumer advocacy, like www.mouseprint.org, covering standard consumer issues.

They update every Monday on issues like how big that jug of OJ really is, to the fine print for car rentals. Lots of useful stuff.

The Mississippi

My thoughts, and condolences, and best wishes for all of you in the midwest who are worried about the Mississippi’s levies breaching (or who are dealing with the ones that already have, in IA).

Recently it’s been as if Mother Nature has decided to show us exactly who’s boss.

Bad Mojo

Feministe has compiled a bunch of evidence that gay couples are being something like hand-picked to get married in CA. Why? So that they look right. So that there’s no men in dresses. So that images from the gay weddings can’t be used by opponents of same-sex marriage to prove we’re all freaks.

Well you know what? The real gender “problems” like me & Betty are already married, people, so quit worrying. Let the boys wear gowns – I mean, how long have some of these couples waited to tie the legal knot?