Another Pole

I just found out (thanks to PBS’ New York Voices) that Maurice Sendak is Polish. The “Wild Things” were based on his relatives, who he described as ‘speaking Yiddish with Polish accents.’ I knew they seemed familiar (though my relatives didn’t speak Yiddish, just English with a Polish accent).
So there’s me, and Maurice Sendak, and PJP II, and Andy Warhol. And Chopin.

The Plan

I’ve been wanting to lose weight for more than a year now, but for whatever reason, I knew my brain wasn’t in it – until the beginning of this year, when I realized I’d taken off 13 lbs. in the course of 2005, but by January had put back on all but 4 of those pounds.
So this year I’m trying an escalating workout program: started with 10 minutes of workout in January, and have been adding 5 minutes to my workout time every month – which means I’m up to 25 minutes’ workout time for April. It’s a lot easier this way because it just feels like you’re adding another set of crunches or leg lifts.
Better still, is proving to be really helpful, and not just for “dieting” but for keeping track of my carbs, saturated fats, protein, vitamins = the works. So I feel like I’m re-learning how to eat decently, instead of just losing pounds.
And it’s already yielding results: 2.2″ off my hips and waist, and a total of 5.5 lbs in 14 days. At this rate, I’ll be at my goal weight by our anniversary in July, which would rock. Only 18 more lbs. to lose.
If you’d like to join the MHB crew’s support forum for weight loss, do!


I’m really disgusted by the fact that once again, Canada is hunting those adorable baby seals. What is the fucking point? Does anyone really need seal fur that much? I doubt it.
Do your bit to stop it here.

New Orleans Update

After months of asking the wrong people, I finally asked one of the right people: the incomparable Chi Chi Valenti, who went to New Orleans this past Mardi Gras with Krewe York to show support for our sister city. Since Betty & I weren’t able to go as we planned to, I asked her if there’s anyone down there doing artsy/queer stuff that some of you might want to help fund.

    Here are her three suggestions:

    New Orleans AIDS Taskforce is doing grants for gay and transgendered youth – this is a great program and a great organization too, even pre-Katrina: “Youth, age 16 – 25, who are lesbian, bisexual, gay, transgender and questioning are eligible for $500 grants to help them recover from the effects of Hurricane Katrina. “
    Stage to Stage is a NO children’s theater group working in poor neighborhoods that is trying to rebuild
    which is running several artist relief programs.

So take your pick, and donate!

All White Meat, Too

Our friends Zoe & Kat found this in their organic eggs this morning. I had no idea she was so busy. And I don’t know why I’ve ever had to buy eggs if she can lay them. Sheesh.


Jacob, where are my pictures? You said you were going to send pictures!
Do. I’m nearly actually dying of curiosity.
(Okay, everyone else: back to your regularly scheduled programming.)