And this, a new video created by my lovely spouse and performed by members of Lawrence’s amazing Conservatory. Or, this is the pretty place where we work.
Don’t Be Lonely: Introducing The December Project
This is crossposted from Jennifer Finney Boylan’s blog.
By Jennifer Finney Boylan | Published: December 1, 2012I wanted to announce what we’re calling THE DECEMBER PROJECT, a reachout by Dylan Scholinski, Mara Keisling, Jennifer Finney Boylan, and Helen Boyd to raise the spirits of people in the trans community during what can be a difficult time of year.
We are trans activists, homebodies, authors, parents, spouses, artists, and teachers, including a trans man, two trans women, and a loving spouse. Here’s our pledge to you: If you feel low this December, and need someone to talk to, contact us, and we’ll call you on the phone. Period.
We want to make clear that we are not therapists, and that anyone in a serious crisis should dial 911, or seek professional help from qualified folks in the helping professions.
On the other hand we are people who may have experienced what you are feeling, and it is our hope that simply having someone to listen or talk to this December will have value. T
his project is 100% free and no one involved in it is getting anything out of it other than the opportunity to help.
Trans people– and the people that love them– face unique challenges during the holidays. Too often we can find ourselves separated from families, from spouses and children and parents. It’s a time of year that, as Dickens well noted, can be the most haunted of all, a time when we travel in time and feel all too keenly the distance between ourselves and others, when what we most desire is warmth, and community, and love.
So think of us as friends you haven’t met yet. Want to talk to somebody on the phone? Here’s what to do: 1) send an email to Jenny Boylan at, and in the subject heading write, DECEMBER PROJECT. List your name, your phone number, and the time when we can reach you–preferably with a few different choices. Let us know which one of us you want to talk to.
You can also contact people directly through Facebook– ask to “friend” Jennifer Finney Boylan and then make your request through the Direct Message page, and JFB will forward your request to the person you’ve asked for. (or if you’re friends with Mara, or Helen, or Dylan, you can contact them directly.)
If we can’t reach you, or if the person you’ve requested isn’t available, we’ll let you know that too. Also, if we get overwhelmed, we’ll also tell you that.
So let us help. And you don’t need to be in trouble to participate in the December Project. If you want to celebrate all the good things in your life and share your sense of joy– we’re good with that too.
Who we are:
Helen Boyd is an author of 2 books, including MY HUSBAND BETTY, an account of life with a trans spouse. She is a well regarded spokeswoman for trans people and the people that love them, especially spouses and partners. She’s a Lecturer in Gender and Freshman Studies at Lawrence University in Wisconsin.
Jennifer Finney Boylan, an author of 13 books including SHE’S NOT THERE: A LIFE IN TWO GENDERS. An English teacher at Colby College in Maine, a trans woman, wife to Deirdre Boylan, and mother (or “Maddy”) to two fine young men, Zach and Sean. Serves on the board of directors of GLAAD and on the board of trustees at the Kinsey Institute.
Mara Keisling is founding executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality. She is well known as a commentator on trans issues; she lives in Washington DC.
Dylan Scholinski was born Daphne Scholinski. He currently lives in Boulder, CO with his beautiful wife and 4 year old son and is the Founder/Witness of Sent(a)Mental Studios as well as a distinguished artist, author and public speaker. His most recent book was The Last Time I Wore a Dress, listed by Out Magazine as one of its Top Ten Must Reads.
We send everybody love, and hope that this month is a time of hope.
Email for The December Project:
FB: Jennifer Finney Boylan.
Race Matters
I’m going to be teaching Cornel West’s Race Matters next year, to first year students, and was compiling some links for my colleagues, but thought you all might appreciate them too:
- To start, here’s the man himself, Nate Silver, on the Prop 8 vote and black voters that clarifies some of the issues about black voters and LGBT issues:
- & Here’s a tidier summation of what Nate Silver was pointing out:
Here are a couple of good link for alternative writers on race.These are my regular reads.
- Ta-Nehisi Coates of The Atlantic is often amazingly great:
- Abagond writes short posts & does a lot of interesting work on racism & anti-racism, too. Here’s a search of Abagond’s blog using the terms racist and racism:
(The “Three Kinds of White Racists” is the best, to me, but might upset people who are not ready to admit to being racist.)
& Abagond talks about the Bechdel Test for race, which is a nice connection to Fun Home (the post explains The Bechdel Test in the first place, too).
- Then there’s Yo, Is This Racist? (which imho, is pretty awesome & funny):
- & Of course there is Tim Wise, who is probably the best known white anti-racist:
IMHO, most white people are clueless and in denial about their own racism, and like gender discrimination, racism is a problem for all of us – not just black people. So let’s get our act together, shall we?
Happy Thanksgiving!
To you & yours. I hope everyone is having a good day, whether it’s full of family and friends
or whether you’re sitting down to a quiet TV dinner on your own.
Where Dreams Come From
Back to School
It’s back to school for so many today – not quite us, although students are arriving on/returning to campus, which is great to see. I hope you all have a great term/semester/year!
Heat Wave
Sandusky Convicted
45 out of 48 counts, too.
Romney’s LGBT Record
During Mitt Romney’s tenure as governor of Massachusetts, his administration blocked the publication of a state anti-bullying guide because it used the terms “bisexual” and “transgender,” new documents obtained by the Boston Globe and interviews with former state officials reveal. At the time of the delay in 2006, Romney aides said that the document required further review. But an email from a top-ranking Department of Public Health official said that “Because this is using the terms ‘bisexual’ and ‘transgendered,’ DPH’s name may not be used in this publication.”
Especially while his cohorts are busy telling women not to say “vagina” around women.
These guys are a mess.
Brought to You by the Letter H & the Number 3
I have no idea why I have remembered this for 30+ years, but I have. I find myself thinking it still when I go buy groceries, too.
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