I’m watching tonight with a fellow NYer and dedicated Giants fan, once again, of course, to stand in for my dad, who was a huge fan. So: GO GIANTS!
Of course no matter who wins, it will be a blue state victory, and an East Coast one, to boot.
Helen Boyd Kramer's journal on gender and stuff
I’m watching tonight with a fellow NYer and dedicated Giants fan, once again, of course, to stand in for my dad, who was a huge fan. So: GO GIANTS!
Of course no matter who wins, it will be a blue state victory, and an East Coast one, to boot.
Even if this year’s Superbowl commercials suck, there’s always this incredibly offensive yet hilarious Guinness ad:
(If anyone knows where or when it was on TV, do let me know. Once again: a student sent me the link, & thanks to her for it.)
Happy Superbowl! Please don’t drink and drive.
Because I live in Wisconsin where football – or at least Packers – is a state religion, I’ve been poking around the edges of the thing because I don’t get it, and I’m absolutely sure it’s not because I mind beer, yelling, processed foods and funny hats. Beer + yelling + processed foods + funny hats are my idea of a good time, generally speaking.
I came across this sentence the other day. at change.org:
The trafficking of children for sale at the Super Bowl is well documented.
And I was honestly flabbergasted: not surprised, because where men with money gather, children are sold for sexual pleasure. Still, it’s sickening. So many people watch and play football because it’s fun — shoot, even I go to Super Bowl parties! What a way to mess up an otherwise (mostly) harmless sports event.
We’ve come a long way, baby. I am very very sure I’ve never been turned on by a Superbowl commercial before, but goddamn. And yet: it’s funny, too, and not homophobic, either. Well done.