A student mentioned her in my feminist theory class – as an example of a cool feminist woman in the media – so here she is, first hit & most recent. I’ve always loved that she flaunts her lack of dainty, and how can you not someone who came up with “too school for cool”? Count me in: wrong in all the right ways, indeed.
One day you’ll look back and you won’t give a fuck
When you’re swimming through your pussy vault like Scrooge Fucking Mcduck
And when you’re snatching your first grammy super glammy lookin slick
It wont be much time till they get in line for a chance to suck your dick
All the lyrics here, but those are my favorite: I’m pretty sure pussy and Scrooge McDuck have never appeared in a song lyric together before.
This is more like a four-tune Tuesday, or a 17+ tune Tuesday, depending, but I found this lovely list of 2010’s best queer indies and thought I should share it, but I also wanted to share some cool stuff I’ve discovered this year as well. So in addition to those, here’s a preview of some tracks by one of my favorite discoveries of the year: British Sea Power. You can hear some of the tracks, but it’s the Zeus EP I’ve been loving – “Kw-h” in particular. If you like The Kills, definitely check them out, too.
Because it’s my BiL Ian’s birthday, there can be no other choice. By last count, he’s seen her about the same number of times I’ve seen Rufus Wainwright (which is saying something):
I got to see & hear Luciana Souza this past Friday night at Lawrence, and she really blew me away. Like most gringas, my intro to this kind of music was “The Girl from Ipanema” — I’ve got a few versions of it, including that lovely disco one that was on Red Hot + Rio a million years ago — but I’d forgotten how sensual and melancholy a samba can be.
There’s very little good available on either YouTube or Playlist.com of hers, so instead I’ve put up this promo clip from her most recent CD:
And here’s a link to some samples from the CD. Since I can’t stand translated music – I’d rather have no idea what the lyrics are about, or read them – so I’d recommend checking out the “Adeus America & Eu Quero Un Samba.” & here’s Amazon’s mp3 samples, for more.